Meraki means to accomplish something with enthusiasm and entire devotion, was a three-day cultural & literary fest organised and curated by our dear student council for learners across grades to embrace the spirit of art, creative writing, music, dance, culinary, photography, debate, STEM & business, online gaming, and fashion. A hybrid event that took place both online and offline simultaneously, our student leaders independently engaged Kindergarten to Grade K12 learners in ten incredible categories with the goal of instilling moral, intellectual, social, and emotional qualities.
Participation was in full, as learners flaunted their talents and their peers cheered on. Meraki culminated on Children’s Day with a wholesome drive-through ceremony adhering to Covid-19 safety norms. Participants received special goodie bags to celebrate the spirt of Meraki. What a great way to kick off the new semester!
Our student council 2020-21 did an outstanding job working as a team to curate, schedule and execute an epic first cultural & lit fest at I Can, while managing their own academics with utmost responsibility and grace. Thank you leaders, for instilling the spirit of Meraki in us with incredible events and experiences. We are so proud to learn and grow with you!
Write-ups from some of our Student Council members on curating and organising Meraki
We bring to you, Meraki!
Doing something with soul, creativity and pure devotion, whatever it may be, is bound to be unforgettable. Meraki was a journey that encompassed a myriad of people, each with their distinct spirit, passion, and experiences.
From digitally creating slide decks for an array of events, to executing them successfully, each and every single one of us on the student council poured our hearts into this cultural & literary fest. Meraki was certainly memorable and the results were nothing short of bliss!
The waves of inquisitive learners motivated to participate and contribute to house points was truly a display of commendable spirit. I vividly remember giving certificates to enthusiastic participants, and one of them said, “I know I didn’t win, but it was a lot of fun participating and doing something I like while bringing in points for my house,” and it truly stuck with me.
Doing something because you like it, doing something for fun, doing something with genuine interest and passion—is doing something with MERAKI.
Meraki was an outstanding experience for the organizers, the participants and our teachers and mentors at school. It was the first time I Can hosted such a large-scale cultural event, which was curated and led predominantly by the student council.
The huge variety of competitions was astonishing. Each one had its own unique design and plan, which was created by the heart and soul of every member on the student council. Just the fact that all of these events were held simultaneously, in a tightly packed schedule, by students themselves, is remarkable.
It was heart-warming to see our hallways and corridors bustling with energy again. The vibrant, vivid atmosphere kept me motivated, and it reminded me of how fun it was to collaborate and interact with my teachers and peers.
Being a curator for one of the events was a really rewarding experience. This opportunity taught me about teamwork, responsibility, planning an event, and executing my ideas. It gave me perspective about the priorities I need to focus on and helped me develop my time management skills.
Even though the busy schedule constantly kept me on my toes, I absolutely loved every part of the Meraki experience.
Meraki: Putting your soul into the work you do.
A new tradition is set with I Can’s first student-led cultural fest!
Children of all ages competed for their houses, participating in ten events ranging from art to online gaming. Participation and competition was sky-high as learners evoked the spirit of Meraki! Through a creative drive-through process, each learner earned a goody bag too.
With the help of all I Can members, this fest heightened the spirits for this academic year! May Meraki bring excitement to I Can for years to come!